Designed with growing cafes, small offices, and the homes of enthusiasts in mind, the Quamar Q50 Push Grinder grinds coffee with precision and ease. The grinder features a production rating of 1.5 kg per day, which is enough to satisfy the need for a second espresso option for a cafe or the first option for an office or community space.
The Quamar Q50 features a manual, on-demand grinding option, and includes a timer setting, 54 mm steel flat burrs reside within the grinder, rotating 1400 timers per minute. The grind setting ring offers stepped adjustments, enabling you to dial in the perfect shot and lock it in with the setting lock.
The aluminium body (available in five colours), plastic hopper, and industrial grade mechanics make this grinder one that will thrive for years to come. These components and others are produced entirely by Quamar, allowing the grinder to be priced at a point that’s envied by its rivals.
- Stepped Grind Adjustments – Allows the going back and forth of grind settings with ease.
- Grinding Options – Manual push grind or on demand with timer
- 1.5kg Daily Production – Designed and priced for low to medium consumption without any loss of quality. Perfect for an additional espresso option or office space
- Colour Variety – Available in five colours to suit the style of any cafe, office, or home.